Ream Partner Program Terms of Service

All Partner Program participants agree to these terms:

Payment Terms

These payment terms apply to all commissions made in the Ream Partner Program.

  • Partners receive 30% of Ream’s revenue share from Invited Authors for 12 months after they join (this does not affect the author's income and instead comes directly from Ream's revenue).

  • Applies to all authors who join using the Partner’s custom affiliate link.

  • There is a cookie window that applies for 24 hours after an author clicks on your link. If they sign up within 24 hours of clicking your link for an author account, they will be connected to your Partner account.

  • You will make commissions from all authors you invite for 12 months on Ream including all recurring subscription payments they receive.

  • The revenue you make does not affect the revenue the author makes, it comes from Ream’s revenue share.

  • There is a $50 USD payout minimum for all Ream Partners.

  • We pay out partner commissions monthly on the 10th. Authors can request early payment right from their partner dashboard if their balance is above the payout minimum.

  • We payout to 115+ countries (full list here) and authors must input a valid bank account to receive commissions before being eligible for Partner status.

Rules for all Ream Partners

Here are a few rules for Ream’s Partner Program that all authors, readers, and their referrers must follow. They are all simple and straightforward and designed to keep the Partner Program working smoothly.

  • Self-referrals are not allowed. If one is found to circumvent our system to refer themselves their account will be banned from Ream. Authors are not allowed to refer their own pen names. You can refer collaborators who use different Ream accounts.

  • Referred authors must click on your Partner link and join within 24 hours by creating a free author account in order for you to receive partner commissions. If they navigate away from your link, Ream will still be able to identify you as the referrer, as long as they sign-up within the 24-hour cookie window.

  • Referred author accounts must be new Ream accounts to count as authors you have invited. If they have a reader account with their email and upgraded their reader account to an author account, they will not be counted as invites to your Partner account.

  • Partners are not allowed to run paid advertising to their affiliate links that would confuse prospective authors with our own advertising. This means no Facebook Ads, Google Ads, or other advertising that could cause confusion for potential authors.

  • No pretending to be acting as an employee of Ream or making false claims about the service.

  • We reserve the right to change these Terms of Service for the Ream Partner Program at any time.

  • We also reserve the right to terminate your Partner status for violation of any of the rules at our sole discretion.

  • Any commissions found to be generated in violation of our Partner Terms of Service will not be paid or owed.

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at

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