What Emails Will Ream Use to Contact Me?

Where and how we communicate with our authors.

Here's a summary of the different emails for Ream and Subscriptions for Authors and where you can expect communication from:

  • info@reamstories.com: Ream email notifications (for new chapters, comment replies, and new community posts) come from this email.

  • authorsuccess@reamstories.com: is our special author update email and where we will send you resources to help you grow your subscription.

  • support@reamstories.com: anytime you reach out to our help desk for support, you will hear from support@reamstories.com.

  • hello@subscriptionsforauthors.com: for the Subscriptions for Authors Team to send updates about new podcasts, articles, and online events to help you grow your subscription. A little over half of our Ream authors have opted in to receive emails from the SFA team... if you would like to receive emails from SFA and a free book all about starting subscriptions... you can do so here.

  • New! hello@storytellersruletheworld.com: Subscriptions for Authors is rebranding during the month of April 2024. We are rebranding this newsletter to match our broader vision for this community β€” to help free authors from the chains of retailers and platforms that take advantage of us.

    It's time Storytellers Rule the World.

Rest assured, no matter where you contact us, your message will get to the right team and we will help you.

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