How to Block and Mute Readers on Ream

1. Navigate to your Author Dashboard inside Ream.

2. Click the Members tab to see all your current Ream Paid Members and Followers. Remember, Ream gives you the emails of ALL your Followers and Paid Members in our mission to create a home where Storytellers Rule the World.

3. Click on the reader that you'd like to take disciplinary action on.

Then you will see their Member profile pop-up with the ability to mute and ban them.

How Muting and Banning Work

We give authors three main ways to moderate their communities on Ream.

1. You can delete any comment made by any reader on your Ream community posts or stories at any time.

2. You can Ban a reader from your Ream page, which automatically unsubscribes them without a refund and ensures they can not view your Ream page, stories, or community posts.

3. You can also Mute a reader. When Muted, readers remain subscribed/following you and can view all your content. However, if they comment on a post or story, no one will be able to see their comment except them. Readers are NOT notified when they are Muted.

Pretty awesome, right? It's like putting someone in reader timeout while limiting any confrontational interactions.

And of course, you can unmute and unban any reader at any time. 

To top it off, you can still view readers in your Member Dashboard even after you Mute and Ban them. We allow you to easily filter for Muted and Banned Members.

By default, Muted and Banned Members are not included in your member view, but with just one click, you can filter by Only Muted and Banned Members or include them in your broader member list.

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at

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