Selected Shipping, New GPSR Requirements & Ream Authors

GPSR stands for General Product Safety Regulation

Effective December 13, 2024, the GPSR will impact many sellers of goods to the EU (European Union), including manufacturers, importers, distributors, fulfillment service providers, and online marketplaces.

This includes authors and content creators who offer physical books to their subscribers, and the GPSR mandated that distributors and retailers verify product documentation using a paid service and detailed supply chain documentation. This was problematic and expensive for many small businesses located outside the EU but still had customers within those countries.

Ream understands that while authors would love to continue to ship physical goods to the EU, it's become cost prohibitive, and have created a shipping tool to manage where authors ship physical goods and to convey that to potential tier subscribers.

Now all authors can select countries for physical goods tiers, rather than separate by country in the tier description (for example, US Only tiers).

  • You can choose your shipping settings when you add a tier, or edit an existing tier:

  • Click the Shipping Settings button to see a list of countries:

  • Using the drop down arrow shown above, click the countries where you do not want to ship physical goods (by default all countries are selected).

  • After all countries have been deselected that will not have shipping options, click anywhere out of the list to see the next steps:

There are two options in Step #2:

  • Display a pre worded disclaimer on this specific tier that physical goods are not included (visible to those customers in countries that have not been checked)


  • Customers who are not in countries eligible for shipping physical goods will not see the tier at all

Shipping preferences have been selected for that tier and you can close the pop up window.

Be sure to Save your changes, whether you are adding a new tier or editing an existing one.

Points to remember:

  • Shipping changes need to be made for every tier that has physical goods offered
  • You can edit your country selections at any time to add or delete
  • While this tool is for GPSR affected authors, this can be used to prevent shipping to any country where shipping is cost prohibitive
  • Using this tool, there will no longer be a need for separate US only tiers and International tiers for example
  • If you do not have physical goods checked and offered to subscribers these shipping options are not required and won't be visible

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at

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