How to Manage Multiple Ream Pages

The power of two together is greater than the power of each apart.

And why stop at two... you can have as many pages as you'd like! 

Here's how to manage multiple Ream pages simply and efficiently...

You can toggle between your Ream pages in your dashboard simply by clicking on your profile picture from a desktop/laptop.

If using the Ream mobile app (available across iOS and Android devices), toggle between pages by simply clicking the Profile tab in the bottom-right-hand corner of the Author Dashboard.

To top if off, even as you toggle between pages, your Stories remain tied to your author account.

This allows you to easily publish stories to different pages to cross-promote pen names.

This is why your Stories tab says "All of Your Stories" at the top.

This provides you with maximum flexibility and saves you tons of time if you decide to switch content around between Pages.

Here's some more information about managing multiple pages on Ream:

  • New! Now, when commenting on your own stories or community posts, you will appear as the current Page you have selected. This allows you to change how you appear to readers in just one click, keeping your pages anonymous from one another(perfect for pen names!).
  • Your Followers and Paid Members will be completely separate between Pages on your Member Dashboard.
  • Your Pages will be completely separate for readers. Unless you choose to share a link to other pages you own with readers, they won't have any idea you own your other Pages.
  • Your community posts, your tiers, and your page will all be separate for readers. If you cross-publish a story between multiple pages, then comments from readers on cross-published chapters will be visible to readers on other pages you cross-publish to.
  • You will know which page you have currently selected based on the profile picture and the page name you see listed in your dashboard. 

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