How Do Payouts Work for Multiple Pages on Ream?

Payouts work a bit differently depending on the payout account type you have on Ream.

For Managed Authors (Scroll down to see Direct Authors):

  • Each Page will have its available and pending balance visible as you toggle between pages.

  • If you have Automatic payout turned on (which we HIGHLY recommend), then the payout minimum of $50 USD will be aggregated across accounts. This means if one page makes $5 and another makes $100, you could pay out the total amount of $105.

  • If you have Automatic payout turned off and utilize Manual payouts, then each Manual payout must exceed the $50 USD threshold. Manual payouts can only be initiated per page.

  • In both instances, the payout fees for Managed authors remain the same. Here's more about fees and payouts for Managed Authors.

For Direct Authors:

  • Your Available and Pending balance is a total of your balances across all your pages. To view individual payments visit the Member tab in your dashboard for your desired page.

  • There are no payout fees or minimums and you set your payout schedule (can be daily, weekly, monthly).

Wait... what are Direct and Managed authors? 

Ream is the only publishing platform to have two payout systems for authors. This empowers you to choose how you want to do business with us (Direct or Managed).

In short, Direct authors own their payment data and have a direct payment relationship with their readers. For Managed authors, Ream handles Sales Tax + VAT for you.

All authors on Ream receive all the emails of their Paid Members + Followers, have full control over their pricing and refunds, and Ream charges the same 10% platform fee for both accounts. The only fees that differ are payout/payment fees charged by banks.

For more on Direct vs. Managed — feel free to read here.

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at

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