How to Share the Link to a Specific Chapter in Your Story with Your Readers

There are two ways to share a link to a chapter on Ream.

For the first method:

1. Navigate to your stories page in the author dashboard.

2. Once there click on the Edit button on the story that you’d like to copy a link to.

3. Navigate to the desired chapter in the story using the chapter navigation guide.

4. Then click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner, right next to the chapter title. Doing so will enable you to copy the link to share with readers on Ream.

For the second method:

1. Sign in to your Ream author account and navigate to your author dashboard inside a web browser. It is important you do not do this inside the Ream app, so you can easily get the URL.

2. Once there click on the Page tab.

3. Then navigate to the Member view, accessible at the top of your page next to the Public view which will be selected by default. Pro tip: If you are having trouble seeing this, try scrolling to the top of the page.

4. From your Member view click on the desired story that you’d like to get a link to.

5. Once inside the story navigate to the desired chapter using the Table of Contents.

6. Once there, copy and paste the URL that appears in your browser. You can now share this with readers so they can directly access that chapter inside Ream :).

And there you go! Now you can grab a link to a chapter inside your Ream and share it with your readers anywhere you’d like.

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