I Can’t See the Memberships/Subscriptions That I Paid For.

We know how worrying this can be! The good news is that we are here to help.

This can occur for 3 common reasons which we are always happy to help with.

1. You are not signed into the Ream account that you purchased your membership in. In order to sign into the correct account, we recommend checking through your email history for a receipt of your subscription on Ream. The email you received that notification on will be the email your membership is on Ream. If you aren’t sure for any reason what email your membership is on Ream, just reach out to us and we would be happy to help. If you did not receive a confirmation email from Ream but see a charge on your bank statement, there is a chance that you entered in a faulty or incorrect email address upon signing up. If this happened, just reach out to us at support@reamstories.com and we’d be happy to change your account email and ensure you have access to your membership.

2. Your payment method expired or failed. If your monthly subscription was due and your payment method failed, this may mean that your membership is currently inactive in your Ream and thus not showing up. This occurrence is common and we are always happy to help resolve this. Most of the time, we automatically retry your payment method which resolves this issue. However, sometimes it is required that you update your payment information. You can do so by following these instructions. And we are always happy to help at support@reamstories.com.

3. You canceled your membership within this billing cycle. If you cancel your membership on Ream, you will no longer have access to that membership immediately once you cancel. For more information on how cancellations work on Ream, check out our help guide on cancellations.

You can always reach out to us anytime as we are happy to help ensure you have access to your memberships on Ream.

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at support@reamstories.com.

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