Update Public Business Information in Stripe

This is for authors in our Direct Integration.

This is how to update your website, contact information, business name, and make your cell phone number private to readers on invoices and receipts.

This only applies to authors in our Direct integration. Ream Managed authors do not have a direct relationship with their readers and as a result it is Ream Inc's business information that is used for payment relationships on Ream.

For our Direct authors...

You can update your public business information from your own Stripe Dashboard.

Step 1: Navigate to Account Details

Login to your Stripe Dashboard at https://dashboard.stripe.com/dashboard

Click the “Settings” gear icon from the top right corner menu.

Find and click “Account Details” under Business Settings. You will have to scroll down a bit on the settings page to find this.

Step 2: Find and Edit Public Business Information

Then, scroll to the “Public Business Information.” This is where you can edit the info that can be available to your readers via payment statements, invoices, and receipts.

Here you can change your public business namesupport phone number (and make it invisible on reader receipts and invoices), and also change your support email and website.

For help with Direct Stripe accounts, please contact their Support team at https://support.stripe.com/questions/contact-stripe-support

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at support@reamstories.com.

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