What is the Payout Minimum on Ream?

For Ream Managed Authors

The payout minimum is currently $50 on Ream for Ream Managed Authors. There is no payout minimum for authors in our Direct integration.

For Ream Managed Authors, this means that in order to be eligible to be paid out by Ream, an author must have an available balance of at least $50 USD in their Ream account (this balance is after Ream’s 10% fee and payment processing fees have been paid).

We will be working to decrease this payout minimum in the near future as well as decreasing the payout fees that our payment partners charge.

If you do not make $50 USD in a single month, then your balance will continue to accumulate until $50 USD is earned and available for disbursement. 

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at support@reamstories.com.

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