How to Use the New Reader Analytics Tools

They're heeere! 💥

The new Reader Analytics tools are here! Well, the first of them are here and visible to authors. Let's dive in and find out what we know about our readers!

We know how many 'reads' we've gotten for our book by the number beside the 'eye' icon.

We know how many comments have been left for our book by the number next to the 'text balloon' icon.

Let's take a closer look. 👀

Page reads:

  • are calculated per account, not by device or IP
  • a story gets 1 read every time a reader scrolls to a new chapter - for example, if you've written a 200 chapter book and a reader reads through to the end, you'll have 200 reads next to the 'Eye'con (see what I there?)
  • only 1 read is recorded per account, so if a reader reads a story over and over it will still only count as one
  • these analytics are shown on the Details page (shown above) for every story published on Ream
  • reads are also added for any user logged into Ream and reading your story, so Follower reads and books labeled as Free (no subscription required) will still calculate as chapters read by users
  • we've placed it on the Details page (which is Public), because knowing that other readers have already read your story, will make new readers want to read it too!

Comment number:

  • are the numeric number of comments left by readers in a story
  • author replies are also counted as comments
  • each unique comment/ reply is recorded - there are no restrictions to the number of comments left for a single account
  • if a comment is deleted, then the total number shown will be reduced per comment - this would include comments deleted by the reader, an author, or if a chapter is edited and the comments are deleted
  • this number can be used as a quick snapshot of the number of new comments that come in for a story
  • this number is also shown on the Details page, to entice readers to subscribe and read the story (and maybe a juicy comment or two!)

As more reader analytics are added, we'll add information about them here. There are Lots more to come!

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