How Member Filters Work on Ream

Member Filtering on Ream gives you greater visibility into your paid members, makes your life easier, and helps you increase your subscription revenue.

Here's how...

  • First things first, navigate to your Author Dashboard inside Ream.
  • Then click on the Members tab to navigate to your Members page.

Here you can see all your Followers and paid Members of your Ream.

Every author on Ream receives all the emails of their followers and members.

The fun part?

Now you can Filter your Ream members more easily than ever!

Just click Filters and you can begin to see your Ream Members at a whole new granular level than ever before.

  • You can Filter members by tier to easily see who your Followers are and which members are in specific Paid Tiers.
  • You can then export this filtered list to a CSV to get a streamlined list of emails, addresses (for shipping physical goods), and join date with you.

Yeah, that's cool and all, but let me show you something even better:

Filtering by Status...


This is the data we all want and need on how our subscription is doing.

Let me break down each Status Filter for you:

1. Active Member:

This is a member who has actively paid for your membership at a specific tier level and is actively receiving your benefits through Ream. Our goal as authors is to have as many Active Members as possible!

2. Canceled:

This is a member who canceled their subscription to you. They are NOT receiving any benefits through Ream. You can see who these members are, although we caution about following up with them as many readers cancel due to financial difficulties.

3. Checkout Cart Active:

Someone who is paying for your subscription but hasn't completed it yet (they are likely in the process of paying). This is a rare status! But cool to see!

4. Checkout Cart Expired (24 Hours):

This is commonly called an Abandoned Cart in e-commerce. These are readers who started the checkout process for a specific tier but after 24 hours still did not complete the checkout process — thus their cart expired. They are NOT actively receiving benefits through Ream.

This happens more often than you'd think.

Across all of e-commerce, roughly 65% of transactions result in abandoned carts, and on Ream, we see about 50% of transactions end in an abandoned cart. This means that you are losing lots of readers who are right about to pay for your subscription, but at the last minute decide not to.

With this Filter option, we give you visibility into this data and give you the opportunity to act on it.

You will have the emails for all your Checkout Cart Expired readers and can choose to follow up with them. A future release on Ream's end will be customizing an abandoned cart sequence... but that's a hint for the future 😉.

What should you put in a Checkout Cart Expired email?

Simply an extra reminder your subscription exists. Maybe send them to some of your public chapters on Ream and remind them of the awesome benefits of your subscription.

A future blog post will be coming that outlines further best practices, but now, let's just do some simple math to show you how powerful this is...

If 50 members join your subscription (Active members) it is not unusual to see 50 readers who are in the Checkout Cart Expired Status.

Now that you know who those readers are and can create a marketing campaign specifically targeted to them, what if you could get 10% of them to join your subscription? That's an additional 5 readers in your subscription... and would increase your net subscription revenue by 10%. That is huge.

Look out for ways we will help even more in the future, but lets move onto our next status.

5. Last Payment Failed

This status is for a reader whose payment failed for your subscription. This most commonly happens to a member who was Active but had their credit card expire before their next billing date, thus resulting in a failed payment.

When readers have their status as Last Payment Failed they will NOT receive benefits actively through Ream but will be notified about their failed payment when they sign into Ream and will see a button to update their card information anytime they try to read one of your stories or community posts.

Ream automatically retries failed payments to help recover lost revenue automatically and without any disruption to your readers. This paired with our automatic reminders can help recover a lot of lost payments.

However, we have found that personal notes directly from a Ream author can go a long way. 💯

If it's been a few days after a reader's payment has failed, you can reach out to them with a message like this (feel free to copy and paste and personalize this template for your own purposes):

"Hey (first name),

I am so grateful to have you as a member of my Community, but I noticed that your recent payment failed for your membership to [Tier X].

I have some awesome new [chapters, posts, etc.] releasing soon and I would hate for you to miss out on them.

If you get a chance, try updating your payment information here [link to your Ream author page].

If you need any help with this just reach out to and they can assist.

I hope you have a great rest of your day!"

This is another area that, if requested, we can implement some sort of custom payment failure email so it has your personal touch but happens automatically. All for the future!

6. Trialing (not yet supported)

This is for readers who are currently on a free trial of a membership tier of yours on Ream. They ARE actively receiving Ream benefits but will stop receiving these benefits when the trial expires OR will continue receiving them if their payment is successful for your membership at the end of the trial.

Free trials are coming soon!

So consider this a little hint of what's to come from Ream. 💫

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at

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