How to Find a Reader's Transaction History

So you want see line by line how much your readers are paying you on Ream?

Here's how to recieve the transaction history for each of your Ream members. This way you can see how much money specific readers paid you on specific dates. You can also see when they joined and left specific tiers.

Step #1: Go to your Members tab inside your Ream Author Dashboard.

Step #2: Filter your members to find specific readers' transaction histories (learn more about member filtering here).

  • You can filter members by the tier they are in or their payment status (canceled, active, failed payment, and more).
  • You can also search for a reader by email if you are looking for the transaction history of a specific reader.
  • And you can deselect Active Members to see the transaction history for readers who previously canceled their membership.

Step #3: Click on the specific reader's email to see their transaction history. Then their member history will be displayed inside a portal! You can see below when this member joined specific tiers. The "None" tier represents a tier that has previously been deleted.

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