How to Schedule Community Posts

Here's how to schedule community posts to be published in the future and delivered straight to the email inboxes of your readers. 

1. Head to the Community section inside your Ream author dashboard and create a new post.

You can do this by signing into your Ream Author Dashboard. Then navigate to the Community tab and create a new post.

Below is the post I have created to send to my friends in the Storytellers Rule the World tier.

2. Click the three dots in the bottom right-hand corner to open up the Community Post Scheduler.

Once you click the three dots, just click Schedule!

3. Customize the date and time you want your community post to release at.

Customize the Release Date: this can be days, weeks, or months in the future

Customize the Release Time: your computer's time zone will be displayed next to the release time, and Ream will release the community post at the exact time you select for readers across the globe. Thus, if you select a post to release at 9 a.m. EDT time, it will be released at 6 a.m. on the West Coast.

Customize the Visibility: you can schedule your posts to specific tiers. Using the Visible To: section, check the box of each tier you want to share the post with. Remember: only those tiers selected will be able to see your post!

Then, just hit the purple Schedule button and your post will be scheduled for release at the date and time you selected 😊.

4. Make edits to posts after scheduling and view all your scheduled posts.

Now that you have pressed schedule, you can navigate to the top of your Community page to view your scheduled posts.

Just press the three dots next to the bottom where you create new posts. Then select "View Scheduled Posts".

Here you can see all your scheduled posts. And if you'd like to edit the content or release time of your posts, just press the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the post and select Edit.

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