How Public & Follower Chapters and Community Posts Work

On Ream, you can publish any chapter and post to the Public or Followers.

Making chapters available to the Public and Followers is a great way to maximize your Discovery on Ream and grow your paid membership.

When a story chapter is Public it is:

  • Viewable to all readers on Ream. No account needed for readers.
  • Once they reach a paid chapter in your story, then they will be required to upgrade to continue reading.
  • Authors have full control over how many chapters they set public and it is not a requirement to set any chapters in a story as public.
  • Zero exclusivity agreements to publish on Ream.
  • You retain full rights to your stories.

When a community post is Public it is:

  • For public posts, at the time being, the only people who can see them are Paid Members and Followers of your Ream. 
  • We understand this is a bit counterintuitive to the idea of what a “public” post means. 
  • The good news is that we are working on an update so that readers who are not yet Followers of Paid Members of your Ream can still see public community posts (we will also be making it possible for readers to post inside of your community, who needs FB Groups anyways?).

When a chapter or post is published to Followers it is:

  • Viewable only to your Followers and Paid Tiers.
  • Free to follow authors on Ream for every reader.
  • You get all the emails of your Followers + can export them anytime.
  • Followers are notified inside Ream and through email about new chapters + community posts published to Followers (here's more about the emails Ream sends to your readers).

To publish a chapter or post to Public or Followers:

1. Select Public on a chapter, chapter schedule, or community post, and it will be visible automatically to the Public, Followers, and Paid Tiers.

2. Select Followers and it will publish that content ONLY to your Followers. If you want a post or chapter to be visible to Paid Tiers, then you will need to select your desired Paid Tiers in addition to Followers.

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at

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