Emails That Ream Sends to Your Followers and Paid Tiers

Ream sends emails with the updates and content you post on Ream to your Followers and Paid Tiers automatically and for free. 

1. Chapter and Story Update Emails

Ream only sends chapter update emails to your readers if you select their tier as an option when publishing your chapters. This means to publish to Followers and Paid Tiers, you must select Followers and the specific Paid Tiers you want your chapters to be visible to.

To ensure that your chapters can only be read by the Followers and Paid Tiers you make them available to, the email we send contains a notification of the update, and a link to read the story inside of Ream.

Note: If you make a bulk chapter update (aka multiple chapters at once), Ream will only send one email and notification to your readers to keep their inboxes from clogging up. 

How this works: any updates you make to a specific story within a 5-minute time period will be sent all together in one email to your readers with the notification button taking them to the first chapter you published.

2. Community Post Emails

When you make a community post on Ream to your Followers and Paid Tiers, the title of your post becomes the headline of your email.

The body of your email is then the content of the community post itself. This works very similarly to a newsletter! Readers can then choose to read the Community Post inside their email inbox or can easily click to go to Ream and engage with your community on the platform.

3. Other things to know about emails on Ream:

  • You will be forwarded all reader responses to your email notifications, and can see all comments that readers make on your posts and chapters inside Ream so you can respond with ease.

  • Important: if you make a chapter or community post available to ONLY the Public tier all of your other tiers (Followers and Paid Members) will be able to view the content but will NOT receive an email notification (we may change this in the future — just how it works for now).

  • Emails, for now, come from but appear with your Name as the "From" line. We are looking to give authors even more ways to personalize emails in the future.

  • You can export your Follower and Paid Member emails anytime to an external mailing list or spreadsheet!

  • If you accidentally send a chapter update to your Followers and then change the visibility of your chapter soon after, they will not have access to your chapter. Crisis averted!

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at

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