Which Tiers Can See My Chapters on Ream?

"Why can't I see all of your content? I'm subscribed to your highest tier!"Jane Doe Reader

Only Tiers that you Publish to can see your chapters.

Let's read that again: Only Tiers that you Publish to can see your chapters.

This means that if you publish to Tier 1, readers in Tier 3 will NOT see the chapter or community post UNLESS you ALSO publish to Tier 3.

The comment that authors frequently use in Tier Descriptions may Not be accurate:

"Tier 3 - everything from Tier 1 & 2, plus...."

If you make your chapters public, then readers in all of your tiers (Following and Paid Members) AND readers who are not yet Followers/Paid members of yours can see those chapters.

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at support@reamstories.com.

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