Why Does Ream Say My Document Needs Headings?

How to fix the document headings error in Ream

If you have tried importing a manuscript on Ream with Google Docs there's a chance you have received this error:

"Your document didn't appear to have any headings. We use these to detect chapters in your book. If you need assistance, please reach out to info@reamstories.com."

Here's how to add headings to your manuscript:

1. Highlight/select your chapter or section title inside your manuscript with your cursor

2. If on PC press: Ctrl + Alt + [1 - 5]. If on Mac, press Command (⌘) + Option + [1 - 5]. If on Chrome OS press: Ctrl + Alt + [1- 5].

Only select one number. Thus an example would be to press Ctrl + Alt + 2.

Note: The numbers 1 - 5 are for different heading sizes that vary from 1 - 5. Ream will recognize all these sizes as new chapters, so no need to worry about which specific size you choose.

3. Repeat for every chapter or section in your manuscript until complete.

Note: The text you select as each heading style will by default be each chapter name in your story on Ream (you can change this later inside Ream).

Check out our complete Import Manuscript Guide here.

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