Pro Tips on Publishing Chapters to Maximize Discovery

Now here are some helpful pieces of advice when considering how you should publish your chapters on Ream...

Publishing Pro Tip #1:

Making the first few chapters of your story public is a great way to have new readers discover you on Ream. When they see your story they can dive right in and get hooked!

Publishing Pro Tip #2:

After the first few chapters make your next chapters available ONLY to Followers. This allows you to grow your readership directly (you have their contact information).

Putting a call to action or short message at the end of your last public chapter (we call this an Author's Note) and telling readers what other stories and perks they get for being a Follower is an amazing way to optimize this.

Publishing Pro Tip #3:

I know your next question... but when do I set my chapters to Paid Tiers? 

This is ultimately a personal decision, but we have some advice. If you are making your story free as the first story in a longer series, then you can make later stories pay-walled behind your tiers.

BUT if you want to make the story you are writing paid we recommend having the first chapter behind Paid Tiers ONLY be right at the Retention Point of your story.

  • This varies for every story, but it's the moment that once you get to that chapter... you won't be able to stop reading. 
  • Essentially it's the moment when someone says, "I'm committed to this story, and no matter what, I'm going to finish it". 
  • That is the perfect moment to publish your chapters to Paid Tiers Only.

When readers hit a chapter that is for Followers or Paid Members only they will automatically receive a message to upgrade. This is what that looks like...

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