How to Change Your Display Name

Now you can easily change your Display Name on Ream. 🎉

Woohoo! 🥳 Your display name is the name that displays when you interact with the stories from other authors on Ream.

To change your Display Name:

1. Click the profile image icon in the top right-hand corner of your Ream page.

2. Once on your profile page, click the purple pen next to your current display name.

3. Then, just edit your display name... and you got a new look!

Busy day for all of your pages? Confused as to which name you're commenting with? Want to make sure you're logged in as the correct display name before replying to that comment? 😬

Simply log out of your account and then back in again. The home page will welcome whichever display name is currently chosen!

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at

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