How to 'Unlaunch' or Unpublish Your Ream Author Page

It's Not 'Goodbye' - It's Just 'Seeya Later'! 💔

We understand. Life happens and for whatever reason, you have to step away for a little (or lengthy) break.

We can help! 🤗

From pausing subscriber payments temporarily all the way to deleting your account.

Unlaunching your page hides it from public view/ discovery. If you have subscribers, they will still be able to see your page.

If this is a temporary break, you can unlaunch and your page will be right where you left it when you come back. To make it discoverable again, you just have to hit the Launch button.

When deleting an account (which is permanent), the page must be unlaunched by the author first.

To unlaunch your author page, please log into your Ream account, then complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the author dashboard
  2. Select the public page (top left)
  3. Click the Edit button on the lower right
  4. Click on the 3 purple dots, also on the lower right
  5. Click Unlaunch Page

  1. Confirm that you want to unlaunch your page after reading the dialog box.

7. Once you've completed the 6 steps above, please email and we'll confirm that your page has been unlaunched (and your account deleted if applicable).

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at

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